We're using DD4T in our project. There's a new request from our client to add something specific in the head/footer tags for one site.

I've tried adding it in a specific page metadata (two text fields) but I'm hesitant to leave the responsibility of displaying what we want to add on a page through content editors adding metadata in every page template.

Is there a way to retrieve a metadata value set within the Root structure group of the a publication when rendering any page underneath the root? Either through direct reference or recursively navigate back to the root.

1 Answer 1


Dd4t has some functionality in the tbbs to merge page metadata with metadata from parent items (structuregroups). In the templates, you can add a tbb called ad inherited metadata to page, and set a parameter called mergeaction.

If you want to see what it does, you can see the code here https://code.google.com/p/dynamic-delivery-4-tridion/source/browse/trunk/dotnet/DD4T.Templates/InheritMetadataPage.cs?r=65

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