Recently we migrated Tridion from 2011SP1 to Web 8, and noticed when publish a page witha simply embedded component presetation, the TCDL tag and the component presentation rendering result are both printed on the page:
Which triggeres 500 server error when accessing the page as it said the tcdl:ComponentPresentation tag is not recognized(we are using ASP.NET by the way).
After double checked our deployer service and the cd_deployer_conf.xml, I can see the setting is there, which should be used to perform the TCDL tag convert from what I understand.
<!-- Default code generation will always be targetted towards the use of tag libraries and
server controls. Uncomment these lines to drop that behaviour -->
<Property Name="" Value="controls"/>
<Property Name="" Value="tags"/>
<!-- Uncomment any of the following lines to set the target language as a specific language -->
<!--<Property Name="" Value="jsp" />-->
<!--<Property Name="" Value="dotnet" />-->
<Property Name="" Value="rel" />
<!-- Optional configuration needed in case of using the UGC TCDL transformers -->
<TagBundle Resource="ugc_tag_bundle.xml"/>
Can anyone who experenced the similar issue bring me some tips or potential cause of the issue?
Very appriciate your helps.