I have three Schemas as per Schemas design created the model

1st model : NewsletterContainer having normal field and component link field allowed Newsletter content schema

2nd model : Newsletter having normal fields and embedded field i.e. embedded to _Newsletter embedded schema 3rd Model : _Newsletter embedded having normal fields

[SemanticEntity(Vocab = "www.sdl.com/web/schemas/core", EntityName = "NewsletterContainer", Prefix = "nlc", Public = true)] 
public class NewsletterContainer : EntityModel
    public string Date { get; set; }

    public List<Newsletter> Newsletter_Components { get; set; }

[SemanticEntity(Vocab = "www.sdl.com/web/schemas/core", EntityName = "Newsletter", Prefix = "nsl", Public = true)] 
public class Newsletter : EntityModel
    public string Title { get; set; }

    public List<_Newsletter> News_letter { get; set; }

[SemanticEntity(Vocab = "www.sdl.com/web/schemas/core", EntityName = "Newsletter", Prefix = "nsl", Public = true)] 
public class _Newsletter : EntityModel
    public string Text { get; set; }

    public Image Image_Link { get; set; }

Entity View code:

@if (Model != null)
  <div class="newsletter" @Html.DxaEntityMarkup()>
    <div class="title-date">
      <div @Html.DxaPropertyMarkup(() => Model.Date)>
        <p class="date">@String.Format("{0:MMM. dd, yyyy}", Convert.ToDateTime(Model.Date))</p>
      <div class="clear"></div>
    <!-- Newsletter, Top Bar -->
    <div class="newsletter-top-bar">
      <!-- Main header jump nav -->
      <ul @Html.DxaPropertyMarkup(() => Model.Newsletter_Components)>
        <!-- Output all main headers. Jump Section -->
        @for (int index = 0; index < @Model.Newsletter_Components.Count; index++)
          if (Model.Newsletter_Components[index].Title != null)
            <li @Html.DxaPropertyMarkup(() => Model.Newsletter_Components[index].Title)><a href='@string.Format("#section{0}", (index+1).ToString())'>@Model.Newsletter_Components[index].Title</a></li>                                                 
        <!-- /Output all main headers -->
      <!-- /Main header jump nav -->
    <!-- /Newsletter, Top Bar -->
    <!-- Subsection Jump Nav -->
    <div class="newsletter-jumpnav third-menu">
      <!-- Subsection Jump Navigation loop -->
      @for (int index = 0; index < @Model.Newsletter_Components.Count; index++)
        <div class="newsletter-jumpnav-block">
          @if (Model.Newsletter_Components[index].Title != null)
            <div @Html.DxaPropertyMarkup(() => Model.Newsletter_Components[index].Title)>
      <hr />
      <!-- /Subsection Jump Nav -->
      <!-- Newsletter Main Content -->
      <div class="newsletter-content">
        <!-- Section Title Loop-->
        @for (int index = 0; index < @Model.Newsletter_Components.Count; index++)
          <div class="newsletter-content-title">
            <!-- Section Title-->
            @if (Model.Newsletter_Components[index].Title != null)
              <a href="#" name='@string.Format("section{0}",(index+1).ToString())'></a>
              <div @Html.DxaPropertyMarkup(() => Model.Newsletter_Components[index].Title)>
          <!-- Each Section Title Content-->
          for (int subIndex = 0; subIndex < @Model.Newsletter_Components[index].News_letter.Count; subIndex++)
            <div class="rtf">
              <!-- Each Section Title Content Image or Not Check-->
              @if (Model.Newsletter_Components[index].News_letter[subIndex].Image_Link != null)
                <div class="article">
                  <div @Html.DxaPropertyMarkup(() => Model.Newsletter_Components[index].News_letter[subIndex].Image_Link)>
                    <img src="@Model.Newsletter_Components[index].News_letter[subIndex].Image_Link.Url" alt="@Model.Newsletter_Components[index].News_letter[subIndex].Image_Link.Alternate_Text" class="image" />
                  <div class="article-content">
                    <h2>Article, Image Left</h2>
                    <hr class="article-underline" />
                    <div class="rtf">
                      @if (Model.Newsletter_Components[index].News_letter[subIndex].Text != null)
                        <div @Html.DxaPropertyMarkup(() => Model.Newsletter_Components[index].News_letter[subIndex].Text)>
                if (Model.Newsletter_Components[index].News_letter[subIndex].Text != null)
                  <div @Html.DxaPropertyMarkup(() => Model.Newsletter_Components[index].News_letter[subIndex].Text)>
    <!-- /Newsletter Main Content -->

We are getting editable option to NewsletterContainer model only for the Date field and not getting the edit option for List or Linked Components.

The Linked Components like Newsletter and _Newsletter are not editable.

Enable Inline Editing is checked for all the fields in all three Schemas.

  • 1
    Can you share the actual markup that is outputted from the view, so an extract from the source view of the HTML, that should contain the XPM markup, and as Sayantan asked for, some details of the view showing if the correct @Html.DxaPropertyMarkup calls are there? Commented Feb 6, 2017 at 17:04
  • Could you please udate the view details as well? Ensure whether the "Enable In Line Editing" option is checked for that particular field in the schema.Also confirm are you trying to bind same schema with 2 different model ? Commented Feb 6, 2017 at 17:04
  • 1
    BTW: You are using very confusing/ambiguous View Model types. Why do you have two types with almost the same name and exactly the same semantics? Commented Feb 6, 2017 at 18:25
  • Newsletter is content schema and _Newsletter is embedded schema there we are using semantic entity and semantic property for Newsletter and _Newsletter model. Newsletter container is content schema which is having component link field allowed schema is Newsletter content schema
    – k951
    Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 5:41
  • As per your above .cshtml code for Render multi-valued embedded fields you can use <div @Html.DxaPropertyMarkup(() => Model.Newsletter_Components,index)><h2>@Model.Newsletter_Components[index].Title</h2> </div> inside for loop
    – meyank
    Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 12:14

1 Answer 1


You need to add the DXAPropertyMarkup in the right place. As you are using multiple linked component field, so I will suggest you to add markup in the div immediately after the for loop -

it will be something like [Sample Code] -

@for (int i = 0; i < Model.LinkedComponent.Count; i++)
                LinkedComponentModel linkedComponent = Model.LinkedComponent[i];

                <div @Html.DxaPropertyMarkup(() => Model.LinkedComponent, i)>
                    <span @Html.DxaPropertyMarkup(() => linkedComponent.LinkText)>@linkedComponent.LinkText</span>

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