When porting pages from our [05 Website] publication the Business Process information is being included and when importing into the next environment it is trying to overwrite the (different) Business Process for the publication. This generates an error:
Item /webdav/...[path to business process]... cannot be imported because it is absent on import TCM and its content was not exported to the package
which is expected as it doesn't exist on the target CMS. This can be skipped, but the result is that the Business Process in the target environment is set to 'none' and has to be changed back to its correct value in the dropdown in the publishing tab of the properties of the Publication.
Is there a way to either stop the Business Process information from being exported, or alternatively stop it being imported? With the dependency filters unselected it still includes the Business Process (it attempts to import it into the target environment), although in this situation it doesn't set it to 'none' when skipped.
Any information or help would be greatly appreciated.