I have created a component and added it in a page and mapped all in my DXA. The problem I'm having is that when I call ContentProvider.GetPageModel(pageUrl, WebRequestContext.Localization, true) to get my page, I get the Region correctly and the entity with my component, but the fields that are ComponentLinks in Tridion only have the Id and the content it's not mapping. The other fields map correctly (for example, a text one, an image...).
My component is built with the schema Header, that has this fields: - logo (Multimedia Link of type Image) - help (Component Link of type HeaderHelp schema) - menu (Component Link of type HeaderMenu schema)
The HeaderHelp schema has: - lit_calls_from (text) - telephone_list (text, allowing multiple values)
The HeaderMenu schema has: - link_list (Embedded schema of type HeaderMenuItem, allowing multiple values)
The HeaderMenuItem schema has: - title (text) - link (text)
All the structure is modeled in the DXA and the classes used are registered.
I've even tried adding a text field to Header and it mapped ok. But something happens with component links as you can see. Any ideas? Thanks a lot, you for your help!