While trying to figure out why components on one of our publications take longer to publish then on other publications we discovered an old component template that existed on just that publication. It looks like this CT was created as a learning/testing exercise in 2008 when we were first implementing Tridion and was not cleaned up before we launched our first Tridion site.
This component template publishes DCPs but we don’t actually use them for anything so we want to get rid of all of the DCPs and the template.
Because there are DCPs published using the template we cannot remove the linked schema associated with the CT nor can we change it from a DCP to a Static CP to disable future publishing.
What we’ve been thinking of is to first unpublish the CT which should remove all the DCP’s currently published using it and then deleting it. The potential issue here is there are 19,647 components using that CT so unpublishing will likely take so long to unpublish that in the meantime our editors will have published additional components which will trigger that DCP. This means we will have to go back to the start and unpublish the CT again and again until the count of published components using it is ‘0’.
I haven’t seen much (read: anything) about techniques for deleting CTs. Is this the only way to handle it or is there some other ‘best practice’ way to remove a CT that publishes DCPs?