I am very new to Tridion and am starting to play around with consuming the content delivery web service in Java.
The problem I am seeing is the similar to this post, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9207354/odata4j-exceptions-odd-number-of-characters-and-bad-valuestring-part-of-key. The tl;dr is that for some reason the content delivery web service is labeling an attribute type as Edm.DateTime but is sending it as an Edm.DateTimeOffset like so:
<d:CreationDate m:type="Edm.DateTime">2014-04-28T20:53:36-04:00</d:CreationDate>
Is there a way to configure this? I have looked through all of the cd_*_.xml files but am unable to find anything that looks like what I would expect to see. The poster in the link above mentions a solution:
The fix is very simple if you have access to the OData Producer code:
and shows how to modify the code but I am not sure if I have access to the web service producer code via Tridion. Thanks in advance for your help!
Edit: Sorry, I should have mentioned that we are using Tridion 2013 SP1.