I have just setup the DXA 2.0 CTP in Web 8.5. I have published all the Pages but when I try to load up the home page I get an internal server error. 

In the Logs, I find that the new Model Service is not able to the page. Even though the page has been published and I can see it in the database. Has anyone come across this?

>017-06-22 10:07:59,222 [13] DEBUG - Determined Device Family: 'desktop'
    2017-06-22 10:15:19,518 [51] DEBUG - Request URL 'http://localhost:81/' 
    maps to Localization [7 ('English')]
    2017-06-22 10:15:19,606 [51] DEBUG - No value cached for key '/:True' in 
    region 'PageModel'.
    2017-06-22 10:15:19,607 [51] DEBUG - Sending DXA Model Service Request: 
    2017-06-22 10:15:19,616 [51] ERROR - Object reference not set to an 
    instance of an object.
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of 
    an object.
    at Sdl.Web.Tridion.R2Mapping.ModelServiceClient.LoadData[T](Uri 
    requestUri) in C:\Jenkins\workspace\DXAuto\stash\develop\net\build_webapp\Sdl.Web.Tridion\R2Mapping\ModelServiceClient.cs:line 99 at Sdl.Web.Tridion.R2Mapping.DefaultContentProviderR2.LoadPageModel(String& urlPath, Boolean addIncludes, Localization localization) in C:\Jenkins\workspace\DXAuto\stash\develop\net\build_webapp\Sdl.Web.Tridion\R2Mapping\DefaultContentProviderR2.cs:line 83

After publishing Components (as DCP), I now get this new error:

> 017-06-22 11:25:36,321 [228] ERROR - DXA Model Service returned an error 
    response: Status=500, Error='Internal Server Error', 
    Message='com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Invalid escape 
    sequence at line 1 column 570 path $.claimValues..DOCUMENT_ROOT', 
    2017-06-22 11:25:36,321 [228] ERROR - DXA Model Service returned an 
    error: com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Invalid escape 
    sequence at line 1 column 570 path $.claimValues..DOCUMENT_ROOT
    Sdl.Web.Common.DxaException: DXA Model Service returned an error: 
    com.google.gson.stream.MalformedJsonException: Invalid escape sequence at 
    line 1 column 570 path $.claimValues..DOCUMENT_ROOT