I was trying hard to [Deploy fonts using DXA][1] and after two days of trial and error, I found a strange behavior in tridion.

There is a multimedia component with name **HTML Design**. This component has an attachment **html-design.zip**. I downloaded this file of around 4.5 MB and then unzipped it and did some modifications. Zipped again and replaced the original attachment with new one (of about 9 MB).

I saved and closed the multimedia component. Opened the component again. Now when I click 'Save to Disk' button, old file of 4.5 MB is downloaded instead of 9MB file. 
But instead of 'Save to Disk' button, if I double click on attachment icon, the 9MB file is downloaded. 

This does not looks like a caching issue as 2 different behaviors can be seen.

After publishing, I am getting the old file contents (the contents of 4.5 MB) file in the BinaryData folder and not getting any modifications I did. 

This may be the cause of [Deploy fonts using DXA][2]?


Today I am trying with another file and same issue. I even renamed the file, uploaded to tridion and when I save to disk again, I get an old file. Check the screenshot.![enter image description here][3]

  [1]: http://tridion.stackexchange.com/questions/11882/how-to-deploy-fonts-using-dxa
  [2]: http://tridion.stackexchange.com/questions/11882/how-to-deploy-fonts-using-dxa
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/CaWZs.png