I need to get child publications of a publication. I am using the following approach: get "where used" for the publication. Until now my code looks like this: var id = publicationParent5TcmId; var filter = new Tridion.ContentManager.ListFilter({columns: const.ColumnFilter.DEFAULT |$const.ColumnFilter.ALLOWED_ACTIONS | $const.ColumnFilter.VERSIONS, conditions:{InclLocalCopies: true}}); var brothersPublications; var onSuccess = function () { if (brothersPublications) { $log.debug("WhereUsed.GetListUsingItems success: found " + brothersPublications.length + " brothers publications"); } else { $log.debug("WhereUsed.GetListUsingItems success"); } }; var onFailed = function () { $log.debug("WhereUsed.GetListUsingItems failed"); }; brothersPublications = tridion.Web.UI.ContentManager.WhereUsed.GetListUsingItems(id, filter.conditions, filter.columns, onSuccess, onFailed); It enters in onSuccess function, but brothersPublications is undefined.