I'm now working to configure the Cache Channel Service via WebSphere <strike>MQ</strike>, specifically using WebSphere Application Server default JMS provider.  Step 1 of the SDL Live documentation states "Set up a JMS provider, such as Apache ActiveMQ, on a machine of your choosing." (see: http://sdllivecontent.sdl.com/LiveContent/content/en-US/SDL_Tridion_2011_SPONE/task_5757AEB2C06D427EA5A299FAB6165052)  My question is, what are the specific steps to configure MQ?

So far I've read the following: 

 - Sdllive doc (http://sdllivecontent.sdl.com/LiveContent/content/en-US/SDL_Tridion_2011_SPONE/task_5757AEB2C06D427EA5A299FAB6165052)
 - Quirijn's blogs (http://blog.trivident.com/category/jms-2/)
 - Puff's article on how the Object Cache works (http://sdltridionworld.com/articles/sdltridion2011/analyzing_object_cache.aspx)
 - Julian's article "Using SDL Tridion Object Caching with Apache Active MQ" (http://sdltridionworld.com/articles/usingsdltridionobjectcachingwithapacheactivemq.aspx)
 - Serverfault question (http://serverfault.com/questions/472313/tridion-2011-sp1-hr1-cache-channel-server-setup)

Julian's article does mention that he installed Apache MQ "as per the documentation", implying that a default install is all that's required.  However, I am wondering if for WebSphere default JMS provider there are specific settings needed or caveats to watch out for?  E.g. do we set up the JMS Point-to-Point, do we need to worry about SIDs (guessing this doesn't apply), etc.

**Addendum:** *Some answers to this question mention WebSphere MQ as per the original wording to this question.  I've modified this question from "MQ" to "default JMS provider" once getting clarity that they are separate products and that my client was using the default JMS.  However, all answers provided are still relevant.*