Please find below example code and update your customized publication Type in Tridion.ContentManager.config file and restart services. \tridion\config\Tridion.ContentManager.config <publicationTypes> <!-- Constraints: 1) id and name attribute is unique. 2) id > 1024. Numbers below 1024 are reserved. 3) titleResource is optional. if titleResource is not provided then the value specified in name will be used as PublicationType.Title --> <add id="1" name="Content" titleResource="lblContentPublicationType" /> <add id="2" name="Web" titleResource="lblWebPublicationType" /> <add id="4" name="Mobile" titleResource="lblMobilePublicationType" /> <add id="5" name="SiteType" titleResource="lblSiteTypePublicationType" /> </publicationTypes>