I am trying to create environment-neutral configuration files to enable all developers on a project to have a working, local CD environment without having to customize configuration. The main problem is that everything on the server is in the D:\ drive, but some developers do not have a D:\ drive, or do not want to use this or C:\ for their local environments. I noticed that you can put environment variables in the logback.xml file to, for example generalize the log file path: <property name="log.folder" value="${TRIDION_HOME}/log/staging"/> So long as each developer has a TRIDION_HOME environment variable, the logs will be created in the log sub directory. I tried this for the license file location in cd_storage_conf.xml: <License Location="${TRIDION_HOME}/config/cd_licenses.xml"/> But it doesnt work. I see it fails to load the license in the log: 2013-10-02 08:55:19,670 WARN StorageManagerFactory - Attempt to use license file ${TRIDION_HOME}/config/cd_licenses.xml failed, file does not exist. A LicenseException will be thrown. Is there another way to inject variables into the Content Delivery configuration files?