Aside from manual or custom core service scripts consider the PowerTools PowerShell option, compliments of Dominic Cronin or Content Porter. PowerTools 2011 has (a PowerShell Version of) Component Synchronizer ----- Dominic Cronin created a PowerShell version of Component Synchronizer [branched within the PowerTools repository][1]. If interested in helping, definitely reach out to see how we can integrate this into the CME Extension. Content Porter Syncrhonize Option -------------- I've yet to try it, but Content Porter 2009 SP2 has an option to `Synchronize content against Schema before importing`. [SDL Live Content explains][2] importing items without their schemas may mean they "may not be valid against the Schema found on the destination Content Manager." But if you select `Synchronize content against Schema before importing`, Content Porter will attempt to: - Reorder fields to match the [target] Schema - Remove fields not present in the [target] Schema - Add fields to items, "on the condition that the fields are optional fields, or have a default value, or both." I think this handles most of the typical schema changes, which I've [outlined in this post][3]. **Warning**: any of the synchronization approaches can lead to data loss. Be sure to create a back-up (database or with Content Porter) and test your approach in DEV before automatically changing components. *It's called PowerTools for a reason.* ;-) [1]: [2]: [3]: