It's very difficult to get to the bottom of your specific issue without further details. However, with regards to your question about configuring Target Types:

> I found information about XPM in SDL Tridion 2013 that says I should
> config target type in CME (check the inline edit box in target type
> property page). I'm not clear that whether should I config target type
> like this since architecture of SDL Web8 differ from Tridion 2013.

You're right, the architecture is different between SDL Tridion 2013 and SDL Web 8.

Unless you're using a legacy configuration, SDL Web 8 uses Topology Manager and the Discovery Service, where SDL Tridion 2013 used Publishing Targets and Target Types.

In SDL Tridion 2013, you used to have to Configure whether to `Enable for inline editing` in the Publishing Target (not the Target Type):

[![enter image description here][1]][1] 

In a Web 8 installation, to use Experience Manager, the **Preview Service** and **Session Enabled Content Service** need to be set up on the Content Delivery side, and their Capabilities registered with its Discovery Service. Further details on testing this can be found in [the Setting up publishing for Experience Manager page][2] in the online documentation.


As I say, it's quite difficult to diagnose your issue with the information given. However, you may want to double-check that you've properly installed the Content Manager elements of Experience Manager using the Content Manager Installer (SDLWeb8CM.exe).

Further details can be found on the [Software components installed by the Content Manager installer][3] page.
