I have a folder, which has subfolders and components.

For example, Main folder name as `030 Main`, which has subfolders with names:

* **`100 mango`**
* **`120 apple`**
* **`150 cake`**
* *`archive`*
* *`not used`*
* *`trash`* 

There are also some components within `030 Main`.  

Now I want to retrieve only the components which uses a specified schema from certain subfolders (in **bold** above):

* **`100 mango`**
* **`120 apple`**
* **`150 cake`**

I don't need any components from `archive`,`not used`,or `trash` nor the components within `030 Main`.

I tried something like below, first with a filter on the folder structure (I got tcm id's of `archive`,`not used`,`100 mango`,`120 apple`,`150 cake`,and `trash`). 

Then I checked if the folder's tcm id matches `100 mango`, `120 apple`, or `150 cake`.

If this condition is true, I use a component filter to get all the components with specified schema.  

>But here in `var id` I'm still getting the components present in `archive`, `not used` ,`trash`.

**Please suggest may be the second filtering part is not working.**

    OrganizationalItemItemsFilterData filter = new OrganizationalItemItemsFilterData
                    ItemTypes = new[] { ItemType.Folder },
                  Recursive = true,
                    BaseColumns = ListBaseColumns.Id

            foreach (var id in client.GetListXml(folderUri, filter).Elements().ToList())
                string so = id.Attribute("ID").Value;
               if ((so == "tcm:229-38695-2") || (so == "tcm:229-149861-2")||(so == "tcm:229-149940-2")||(so =="tcm:229-149941-2")||(so == "tcm:229-149942-2")||(so =="tcm:229-149943-2")||(so =="tcm:229-149875-2"))
                    Console.WriteLine("i m in");
                    OrganizationalItemItemsFilterData filter1 = new OrganizationalItemItemsFilterData();
                    filter1.ItemTypes = new ItemType[] { ItemType.Component };
                    filter1.ComponentTypes = new ComponentType[] { ComponentType.Normal };
                    filter1.Recursive = true;

                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    string QuestionTitle = string.Empty;
                    foreach (var idin in client.GetListXml(folderUri, filter1).Elements().ToList())
                        string compSchema = idin.Attribute("SchemaId").Value;
                        string compId = idin.Attribute("ID").Value;