We have a language specific website, so one Publication for English and another for Arabic. 

We use the sitemap class to populate our site navigation. We have localized our Components. So the sub menus get these display names from the Component metadata but how can I change the main menu which is picked up from structure?

I tried changing the name on the localized Structure Group and published navigation but nothing happened. Where do we have to change this?
In the below image, Layout, Content Types, Lists are Structure Groups which are not linked to a page. So I am not sure where the name 'Layout' is coming from. If I have an index page, I don't want it to be seen in the navigation. 

[![enter image description here][1]][1]

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/mnc4t.png

**Type of Navigation**: Localizable; 
**Navigation Text Field Paths** : standardMeta/name, pageTitle, headline