It would definitely help if you just read the API documentation, but here is some sample code that should give you an idea: <!-- language: lang-cs --> [TcmExtension("ExampleEventHandlerExtension")] public class EventHandler : TcmExtension { public EventHandler() { EventSystem.Subscribe<Component, SaveEventArgs>(ComponentSaveAction, EventPhases.Processed); } public static void ComponentSaveAction(Component subject, SaveEventArgs args, EventPhases phases) { // the ID of the Publication from this item string contextRepository = subject.ContextRepository.Id.ToString(); // the ID of the Publication where this item was localized (possibly created) string owningRepository = subject.OwningRepository.Id.ToString(); } } If you are looking for the BluePrint Parent (the location where the Component was originally created), you need to use the method `Component.GetBluePrintChain()`, see also my answer (in the Core Service that is directly available).