The [SDL slide-out navigation pane][1] lets us view multiple SDL applications from the same panel (via the slide out "hamburger" menu).

I see how we can [extend the slide-out navigation Welcome screen][2] ([requires login]( and a recent SmartTarget update shows `Targeting` in the slide-out Navigation in our environment.

Where can I find instructions to show SDL Media Manager for a given SDL Tridion setup?


Following John's example, I was able to set the following working example for external URLs (example with SDL Live Content).


 * Attribute `domain` starts with `http://`
 * Attribute `url` starts with `/`
 * I matched `domainId` to the `applicationDomain` node with the matching `id` attribute 
 * Sites that restrict being embedded in iFrames throw an error in the console (`Load denied by X-Frame-Options: does not permit cross-origin framing.`).

<!-- language: lang-xml -->
    <applicationSuite id="wcm" authenticationUrl="/WebUI/Editors/CME/Views/Authentication/Authentication.aspx" authenticationMode="on-access">
        <applicationDomain id="local" domain="" />
    	<applicationDomain id="docs" domain="" />
        <applicationEntryPointGroup id="docs" title="Documentation">
            <applicationEntryPoint id="SDL Live Content" type="docs" domainId="docs" url="/" />
        <applicationEntryPointGroup id="" title="Web Content Management">
        </applicationEntryPointGroup >