I want to publish several components from a core service client application at the same time within a single publish transaction. I thought [this post][1] might tell me the answer, but while it gives some options (using custom resolvers/templating code) these are not applicable in my case, as the logic to choose which components to publish lies in the application code, and cannot be put in a resolver/template.

I noticed that if I use:

<!-- language:lang-csh -->

    SessionAwareCoreServiceClient.Publish(string[] ids, 
           PublishInstructionData publishInstruction, string[] targets, 
           PublishPriority? priority, ReadOptions readOptions)

A separate transaction is created for each item and target combination. Is it possible to have all the items in one transaction per target?

  [1]: http://tridion.stackexchange.com/questions/329/to-ensure-they-publish-simultaneously-is-it-possible-to-publish-pages-and-compo