I am trying to set up a web  form project in .Net with SDL Web 8.5 as we do in case of previous version of Tridion [2013/2011]. 

I found the [link][1] to connect to Broker db using the CIL. 

Is there any way so that I can directly use the cd_storage_conf.xml to connect to broker db, with out using the discovery service?

**Update: 1**

I implemented the .Net web application for the legacy application. The web site is working fine for the static content, but when I am using the dynamic component presentation it is not rendering anything.

The web page contains the following dynamic CP links.
[![enter image description here][2]][2]

But the web page is totally blank. When I checked the logs I found this.
[![enter image description here][3]][3]

Do I need to any reference for this ??

`** I have upgraded the Tridion 2011 to Sdl web 8.5 also when I am trying to access the content using CIL the contents are getting rendered`

  [1]: https://community.sdl.com/solutions/content-management/tridion/b/blog-posts/posts/getting-started-with-content-interaction-library-cil-in-web-8-it-39-s-really-quite-simple
  [2]: https://i.sstatic.net/N813p.png
  [3]: https://i.sstatic.net/rfA9f.png