I have three Schema A (Content) , B(Embedded), C(Embedded)
Schema A have fields A1(text) and A2(EmbeddedSchema)

Schema B have fields B1(EmbeddedSchema), B2(text) 
Schema C have fields C1(text) and C2(text)

Schema B is embedded with field A2 and Schema C is embedded with  field B1.

**How to get the value of  C1 field in C# TBB/Fragment.**

I am doing to get the value  of field A2 (document_order) with below code but unable to get the in field C1

    if (pubMetadata.Contains("order_sort"))
        foreach (ItemFields docsort in ((EmbeddedSchemaField)pubMetadata["order_sort"]).Values) 
            //Below code line works 
            string docOrder = ((KeywordField)docsort["document_order"])

            //Below code line is not working 
            string docSortName = ((KeywordField)docsort["doc_sort"])