We are using DD4T on SDL Tridion 2011 SP1 HR1. When presenting images from within a RTF we note that the root path is added twice to the image path/filename. We have configured the web app under a virtual path /vpath/ as read from the webserver variables `HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath`. Images are being presented to the deployed environment as `/vpath/vpath/images/image-name.jpg` - any ideas if we're missing a configuration to indicate the path prefix is not required? We originally setup the publication with the /vpath part in the URL in the Publications Settings Path and later the requirement (IT team) was to setup the application to run under a virtual directory. We'd initially thought we could reuse a web.config setting we have to indicate that the application runs under a virtual directory (for other functional requirements) <add key="VirtualDir" value="vpath" /> and just update the method to: public static string AdjustUrlToContext(string url) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["VirtualDir"]) return url; return HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath + url; } But we also need to consider if we create another publication and the publication setting does not include the virtual path. **Update:** Indeed, the proper solution would be to not have the virtual path in the publication path but given we are stuck where we are right now and need a fix before re-visiting, we could check if the URL passed in already starts with the `VirtualDir` and then remove it... I don't like the idea of just removing full stop... I know we can 'manage' this going forward by not having the prefix in the publication settings but it assumes too much. So let's imagine we do have a `/anothersite/anothersite/index.aspx` ... the above code is saying this is simply not allowed as a consequence of a legacy issue. Bad times.