1. Can a Source Publication have multiple Target Publications?
 1. Can a Target Publication have multiple Source Publications?

I *think* I've seen the first scenario, where Global Content needs to be translated into the same language pair but to separate child Publications. But I'm trying to figure out how to avoid conflicts if the second scenario is possible.

The use case would be for a given Target (e.g. `040 Marketing Content - Spanish for the US`), the business wants the ability to translate from *either* English Publication:

 * `020 Global Content` *or*
 * `030 Marketing Content`.

**If possible, how (or when) could we copy BluePrinting rules so the closest localized items "win," in case of conflicts?** For example:

 * During Translation Job **creation**
 * When Translation Jobs **start**
 * Or maybe failing **individual items?** 

This is somewhat related to "http://tridion.stackexchange.com/q/3119/46" but there I was asking about multiple locations within a given Publication.