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5 votes

When should I set cid-localhost?

The CID Service obtains the original images from the Web Application; for that purpose, the Web Application passes a reference to itself in the CID request URLs. By default, it passes the authority ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
5 votes

How do we configure CID to work with a HTTPS (TLSv1.2) website?

It looks like you are using an IBM JVM (at This JVM has some specific setting that allows you to enable or disable use of TLS V1.2. This is explained here https://www....
Harald Hoffelinck's user avatar
3 votes

Slow images on DXA .NET 1.5

This is weird and we don't see this effect in our DXA Load Test (which we run nightly); we get total response times (Page + embedded resources like images) of approx. 50 ms, so not more than a few ms ...
Rick Pannekoek's user avatar
1 vote

Does Contextual Image Delivery support resizing WebP images and converting WebP images to other formats?

As noted in KB article and confirmed by R&D, the WebP image format is not currently supported for the CID module.
Terry Kim's user avatar
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1 vote

Contextual Image Delivery service throwing error

I think the base path you are using is incorrect, it should i think be 'http://host:8088/cid'
Renze de Vries's user avatar

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