A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions. Using the right tags makes it easier for others to find and answer your question.
Content Porter allows users to transfer items across different instances of Tridion CM
Content Delivery Web Service which follow the Open Data Protocol (OData)
Questions related to the use of Fredhopper together with Tridion.
The Razor mediator for Tridion is an alternative template engine. It provides the power of .net and the well documented Razor syntax. Using the syntax it's possible to access Component fields and temp…
for questions about Rich Text Format fields, also known as Format area fields.
ADF provides a common location for contextual information in the web application for any given request
C# is a multi-paradigm programming language encompassing strong typing, imperative, declarative, functional, generic, object-oriented (class-based), and component-oriented programming disciplines.
Dreamweaver Templating is an approach to creating presentational layout using Template Expression Language. A Dreamweaver Template is a type of Template Building Block used to construct Compound Templ…
Experience Optimization integrates SDL Web with SDL Fredhopper so that you can create and manage targeted content for SDL Web-driven Web sites. Experience Optimization is formerly known as SmartTarget…
An application program interface (API) is a set of routines, protocols, and tools for building software applications. Basically, an API specifies how software components should interact. Additionally,…
SI4T (short for Search Integration 4 Tridion) is a set of open source projects to help you get SDL Tridion CMS managed content into your web app search index
Keyword is an item type in Tridion. Keywords are organised within Categories to create Taxonomies. Keywords are not versioned. When components with keywords are published, the keywords can be queried …
A component presentation is the output created by rendering a specific component with a specific template. Component presentation can also refer to the pairings of component and template typically fou…
Content Porter 2009 is a module for SDL Tridion. There are 3 Service Pack Releases, the latest of which is SP3. The module is used to move Schemas, Component Templates, Page Templates, Components, Fol…
All content in the Content Manager is defined in Components. To ensure that content is consistent, the Content Manager bases all content on Schemas. Schemas define fields and field types for specific …
Windows Powershell modules that allow to easily interact with the SDL Tridion / SDL Web content management system and perform various administrative tasks.
Metadata is data about data. After defining metadata schemas, you can add metadata to the Components, Multimedia Components,Keywords, Publications, Folders and Virtual Folders, Structure Groups, Pages…
Questions about GraphQL in the context of Tridion Sites Content Delivery