I want to upgrade my existing custom TBBS to use DD4T2DD4T 2.0 from DD4T1DD4T 1 and uploaded the following into my Nuget feed:
- DD4T.Core.2.1.0
- DD4T.Model.2.1.0
- DD4T.Templates.Base.2.1.2
- Newtonsoft.Json.6.0.8
I am referring those in my ms-buildms-build
commands to merge those dlls alongwith TBBs to get a Templating.merged.dllTemplating.merged.dll
which I want to upload to my CMS.
The issue what I am facing is as soon as I point to DD4T.Templates.Base dllDD4T.Templates.Base
DLL which is there in DD4T 2.0 my merged dllDLL shows 0 bytes.All
All other DD4T2DD4T 2.0 dllsDLLs are fine with merging except DD4T.Templates.Base dllDD4T.Templates.Base
DLL. I checked the build window and it shows "Unresolved assembly reference not allowed" for:
Unresolved assembly reference not allowed
For the dllsDLLs like Tridion.ExternalContentLibrary V2Tridion.ExternalContentLibrary V2
etc.I I am adding those in the ms-buildms-build
merge one by one but not sure how many I need to add.Currently Currently I am stuck with the error Tridion.ExternalContentLibrary.DomainLibraryTridion.ExternalContentLibrary.DomainLibrary
and I didnotdid not find this in ECL list.
Please suggest the best way to deal with this.
Thanks in Advance!!!