While creating a publicationPublication, we have below options for the Publication TYPEPublication Type:
So far, I have used 'Web'Web and 'Content'Content type publicationsPublications and to some extent I understand their purpose.
Can you please provide examples where &and when the other types: [ E-MailE-Mail, Mobile,Mobile and UnspecifiedUnspecified ] need to be used ?
In my project I can see many publicationsPublications which are for a Mobile website but they are all set as 'Web' (060 level)Web (060 level) and 'Content'(040)Content (040)? Should I set both the 060 and 040 publicationsPublications type to 'Mobile'Mobile?
Are there any special content types/Component/Pages/Schema to be created when a publicationPublication is of type 'Mobile'Mobile?
Also, Inin which case will a publication type should a Publication Type be 'Unspecified' Unspecified? Will Tridion automatically detect the correct type of a publication Publication?