I'm trying to enable page visits and components visits tracking using WAI. We are using web 8.1 and DD4T. Enabling profiling using cd_WAI_Config i can see users table is getting updated and also I can able to increment the trading keys and Timeframe table is also getting updated.
But unfortunately there are no entries in page_visits and Component_visits even though for both tracking in enable in cd_wai_config.
I tried to invoke tracking using code as follows:
TrackDispatcher td = new TrackDispatcher(waiPage);
still results are same and i don't see entries in page_Visits and Component_Visits. Do i need to add Activate Tracking tabtbb in all pages? Also, as we are using DD4T templating, i believe Activate Tracking won't work with DD4T templating.
Please suggest how i Can enable tracking for page and component visits in DD4T.