For one of the requirements we need to extract the rendered htmlHTML for each version of the pagePage. WeWe want to understand if old versions of pagesPages renders the corresponding componentComponent and templateTemplate version or if it renders the latest versions?
Problem statement :
- Product pagePage has overall 10 version.versions
- Object of 5th version is created using Core services
- In 5th version only one Component Presentation is there.
- Component is having 3 Versionversion and TemplatesTemplate is having 4 version.versions
- In 5th version of the pagePage, say 2nd version of componentComponent is added and Template version is 3rd.
- When we render 5th version of pagePage will it render correct componentComponent version and templateTemplate version or it will render the latest version of componentComponent and template.Template?
Note : As per our understanding version information is not added when we link Component and Template on page.Note: As per our understanding version information is not added when we link Component and Template on Page