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Nov 30, 2017 at 10:05 comment added Harald Hoffelinck yes, it looks indeed like it's looking for an email address. The following value is accepted for example in a mailto link field : {{some_string}}
Nov 30, 2017 at 9:43 comment added Bart Koopman I still don't know what actually validates the xsd:anyURI, but seems to suggest that when using a absolute URI like mailto: it needs to be followed by a valid email address.
Nov 30, 2017 at 8:24 comment added Harald Hoffelinck the only thing I was testing is that an XSD that specifies an AnyURI type for a field would accept or reject the string {{token}}. If you are saying this only happens when the field type is set to mailto, then there is most likely more validation than just the validation against AnyURI (so probably there is a check for a valid email)
Nov 29, 2017 at 23:06 comment added ToddB it for sure is an issue with the externalLink when the type is set to mailto. If that type is set to that the data that follows it has to be an email. Not totally clear on what you are testing here and if it aligns. If in the UI though you select external link and set the type to mailto you have to provide an email.
Nov 29, 2017 at 20:03 history answered Harald Hoffelinck CC BY-SA 3.0