i amI'm trying to sort the IcomponentIComponent
list by a "Field Value" in the component using ExtendedQueryParametersExtendedQueryParameters
, but by default the QuerySortFieldQuerySortField
is assigned with default value. helpHelp me to sort with other fields in the component.
example iExample, I want to sort the list by date field in the component.
howHow can iI change this QuerySortField,
public ExtendedQueryParameters()
// Default all parameters
QuerySchemas = new string[]{};
MetaQueryValues = new List<MetaQueryItem>();
MetaQueryLogic = QueryLogic.AllCriteriaMatch;
KeywordValues = new List<KeywordItem>();
KeywordQueryLogic = QueryLogic.AllCriteriaMatch;
LastPublishedDate = DateTime.MinValue;
**QuerySortField = "ItemTitle";**
SortType = MetaSortFieldType.STRING;
SortType = MetaSortFieldType.DATETIME;
QuerySortOrder = MetaQueryOrder.Ascending;
MaximumComponents = int.MaxValue;