Additional information (functional level):
It seems that I am failing to explain what my challenge is. Let me try from functional perspective: All pages contain at least one commercial block. Commercial block consists of 1 or more commercials. When new commercial is added to existing commercial block, it needs to be visible on all pages that are using that block asap. When existing commercial is changed (for example 20% discount instead of 10%), this needs to be visible on all pages that contain commercial block that has this commercial asap.
For the technical part, I can not use embed CP as I would have to republish very large number of pages very often. I opted to use Dynamic CP for Commercial block and Dynamic CP for individual Commercial. Commercial block is just a title and a list of links to individual commercial components. CT Commercial block can be added to a page as component presentation (which makes content editor life easier) and when page is published CT Commercial block is stored in the broker DB and shown on the page <tridion:componentpresentation.... tag is generated).
So, my first challenge is sorted out with this approach. I can change Commercial block, publish it from CM to Broker DB and change will be visible on all pages using that block (as they are getting that CP from the broker DB)
Second part of my challenge is not solved. I want to change individual commercial and publish just that commercial component and make the change visible on all pages that are using Commercial block that contains that individual commercial.