I am trying to import SDL Tridion Reference Implementation using Import.ps1
power-shell script but getting below error because of that reference publication unable to create.
I tried with importing all-publications.zip
package using content porter directly as well but still getting same error.
Problem importing file all-publications.zip Import process 'ed003da3312c4b65b6b2d8881b8d195c' is started by 'domain\user'. Import started at 1/27/2015 9:20:09 PM. Building list of items to import and determining required import actions. Unzipping and initializing package for import. Import of system administration items started at 1/27/2015 9:20:13 PM. Import items into publication '000 Empty' started at 1/27/2015 9:20:13 PM. Import items into publication '100 Master' started at 1/27/2015 9:20:38 PM. Tridion.ContentManager.FilterException: The Filter condition 'ForRepository' is invalid. The item tcm:0-68-1 does not exist.