I'm trying to build a GUI Extension to 2011. One of my requirements is that there be a 'settings' page for this extension that a Tridion user can access from the Ribbon.

When Tridion loads, the GUI does not complete loading, and the console shows this error message:

Unable to get unique id for element. Dashboard_v6.1.0.55920.8_.aspx:22

Below is a snippet from my configuration file. I'm trying to understand what the issue is and where it originates. Is it my configuration, my JavaScript, or both?

         <ext:extension pageid="ToolsPage" name="CrocodocSettingsPage" assignid="CrocodocSettingsPage">
           <ext:view name="DashboardView">
             <ext:control id="DashboardToolbar" />
     <ext:tabpages />
     <ext:toolbars />
         <ext:extension pageid="ToolsPage" groupid="MaintenanceGroup" name="croc" assignid="croc">
           <ext:title>Crocodoc Configuration</ext:title>
           <ext:view name="DashboardView">
             <ext:control id="DashboardToolbar" />



I've updated the configuration, But I'm still having the same error. It's on line 22. The Console shows me these full details of the object:

anonymous(object{..}) anonymous(object{..}) k(object{..}) j() anonymous(array[2]) c() anonymous(function: anonymous(){var c="IsPopupBlocker",b="Non fatal error: {0}";if($display._viewConstructor!=null){$display._view=new >$display._viewConstructor;var a=window.opener;try{a&&a.Tridion&&a.Tridion.Controls&&a.Tridion.Controls.Popup&&a.Tridion.Controls.ExternalPopup.registerView($display._view,window)}catch(d){$log.message(b,d.message)}var a=window.parent;try{a&&a.Tridion&&a.Tridion.Controls&&a.Tridion.Controls.Popup&&a.Tridion.Controls.ModalIframePopup.registerView($display._view,window)}catch(d){$log.message(b,d.message)}Type.isFunction($display._view.initialize)&&$display._view.initialize();$display.fireEvent("start")}$log.debug("DisplayController.start: Time taken to load and initialize everything was {0}ms.",Date.getTimer());if($dom.isChrome&&opener&&!window.outerHeight){try{if(opener.$display){opener.$display.showModalError($localization.getCoreResource(c));return}}catch(d){}$display.showError($localization.getCoreResource(c))) anonymous() anonymous() anonymous("Tridion.Cme.Views.DashboardBase", "initialize") anonymous() anonymous() anonymous(array[1], "Tridion.Controls.Stack") anonymous("Unable to get unique id for element.") Dashboard_v6.1.0.55920.8_.aspx:22

        <ext:extension pageid="ToolsPage" name="CrocodocSettingsPage" assignid="CrocodocSettingsPage">
            <ext:view name="DashboardView" />
    <ext:tabpages />
    <ext:toolbars />
        <ext:extension pageid="ToolsPage" groupid="MaintenanceGroup" name="croc" assignid="croc">
          <ext:title>Crocodoc Configuration</ext:title>
            <ext:view name="DashboardView" />

3 Answers 3


As it turns out, my issue was further up in my configuration file. (maybe I should post the whole thing next time)

The issue was actually in the resource groups which I had set up.

down in my extension to the tools page I had a reference to crocodoc.Resources.Settings

<ext:extension pageid="ToolsPage" groupid="MaintenanceGroup" name="Crocodoc Configuration" assignid="crocodoc">
          <ext:title>Crocodoc Configuration</ext:title>
            <ext:view name="DashboardView" >
              <ext:control id="DashboardToolbar" />  

The issue traces back to the dependencies I had written for my resource group:

<cfg:group name="crocodoc.Resources.Base">
    <cfg:file type="script">/Scripts/jquery.min.js</cfg:file>
<cfg:group name="crocodoc.Resources.Settings">
    <cfg:file type="script">/Scripts/CrocodocSettings.js</cfg:file>
    <cfg:file type="style">/Styles/crocodoc.css</cfg:file>
  <cfg:file type="reference">crocodoc</cfg:file>

The issue was actually with that first dependency crocodoc.Resources.Base

Once I removed that, the error went away. So it looks like you can't make one group a dependency in another.

  • You certainly can make one group a dependency in another - that's the point of dependencies. The other two dependencies that you left are also just groups. I'm guessing the problem was elsewhere. Commented Mar 4, 2013 at 9:10

I see there is an answer to this post, but i'm putting my 2 cents in as it might be useful...

I normally 'see' this error message when I make a mistake in my javascript file (typically missing the ; on the end of a line).

Should anyone see this post and still load their JS files, it's worth commenting out some chunks of your js and see if it loads.

  • good point. That's actually been one of the first things that I've looked at, but a good reminder, all the same.
    – paceaux
    Commented Feb 27, 2013 at 16:13

Remove <ext:control id="DashboardToolbar" />

Replace this

<ext:view name="DashboardView">
         <ext:control id="DashboardToolbar" />

with this

<ext:view name="DashboardView" />

It's worth in reading Setting up a SDL Tridion 2011 GUI extension in 8 steps

  • I've edited the configuration as you've suggested. I'm still getting the same error message, though. <ext:add> <ext:extension pageid="ToolsPage" groupid="MaintenanceGroup" name="croc" assignid="croc"> <ext:command>crocodoc</ext:command> <ext:title>Crocodoc Configuration</ext:title> <ext:dependencies> <cfg:dependency>crocodoc.Resources.Settings</cfg:dependency> </ext:dependencies> <ext:apply> <ext:view name="DashboardView" /> </ext:apply> </ext:extension> </ext:add>
    – paceaux
    Commented Feb 26, 2013 at 5:16
  • @paceaux: Do you get a chance to read this Setting up a SDL Tridion 2011 GUI extension in 8 steps Commented Feb 26, 2013 at 5:39
  • without exaggeration, I've read that article about 100 times. I've even gone to his blog, where it's posted, and asked questions there.
    – paceaux
    Commented Feb 26, 2013 at 5:46

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