I have a component with a metadata multiselect field as Location, for which options will load from a category. Users are allowed to select more then one option. I have below code which is working fine except giving the repeating value of options if selected more than one option.
for example. If user has selected two locations i.e. location1 & location2 from the location field.
IEnumerable<Keyword> fields = primarykeyfield.Values;
, fields is returing count as 4, and value its displaying as location1,location2,location1,location2
private static string GetLocation(Component Comp, Engine engine)
string Location = string.Empty;
ItemFields componentMetaFields = new ItemFields(Comp.Metadata, Comp.MetadataSchema);
if (Comp.Metadata != null)
foreach (XmlNode node in Comp.Metadata.ChildNodes)
if (node.Name.ToLower() == "location")
KeywordField primarykeyfield = componentMetaFields["location"] as KeywordField;
if (primarykeyfield != null)
//Get the Keyword
IEnumerable<Keyword> fields = primarykeyfield.Values;
foreach (Keyword kt in fields)
if (Location == string.Empty)
Location = kt.Title.ToString();
Location = Location + "," + kt.Title.ToString();
return Location;
IT will be great if anyone can point the mistake so that i can get the result as location1,location2, on selecting two values from Location field.