I understand the Ambient Data Framework (ADF) is a content delivery module that consists of claims, claims processors, and cartridges meant to help gather, configure, and transform Web- and user-related data.

What do customers need to implement ADF (e.g. setting up Bart Koopman's Quova Ambient Data Framework eXtension)?

So far, I'm thinking we just need:

  • A Content Delivery setup (and license)
  • Java for input and output claims (limited .NET API also available)

Also, SmartTarget requires ADF. But to use ADF, do we need SmartTarget?

  • 1
    You don't need Smart Target to use ADF. ADF is required for the Session Preview feature of XPM. Using the cd_webservice_preview_cartridge & footprint_cartridge_conf cartridges against the CD Webservice Commented Jun 3, 2013 at 20:46

1 Answer 1


Ambient Data Framework requires the following:

  • A valid Tridion license
  • A Java Runtime Environment
  • A correctly configured Tridion Content Delivery stack
  • cd_ambient.jar & its configuration, cd_ambient_conf.xml
  • A configured web.xml (J2EE) or web.config (.NET) with the configuration to start the J2EE Ambient Data Framework Filter or the .NET Ambient Data Framework Module

Please note that the pre-configured webapp samples that ship with Tridion Content Delivery have all the pre-requisites already, so if you use those you don't need any additional files.

Various Tridion modules use the Ambient Framework:

  • Audience Manager
  • Experience Manager (Session Preview)
  • SmartTarget
  • Online Marketing Explorer (tracking)

You can use the Ambient Framework for your own purposes, without any of the above modules.

  • Thanks for explaining relationship between modules, Nuno. I can also see the 2013 documentation specifically mentions the examples available in the CD roles. Cool! Commented Jun 3, 2013 at 21:18

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