I have some items in publishing queue in schedule for deployment state. I want to abort some of those transaction on the basis of Id of the items using Tridion Core service API. I want to remove items from queue as well.
2 Answers
This will not work if the Transaction already started being processed (just like it happens with deleting a transaction in the UI), so what you can achieve is to remove the transaction from the queue.
If it happens before the publisher picked up work, then you'll be fine. However, if the publisher already started working on this job then you will be too late to stop it and only a template or deployment error could abort publishing.
Anyway, you could use something along these lines of code to get you what you need (note: I didn't test this code)
PublishTransactionsFilterData filter = new PublishTransactionsFilterData
PublishTransactionState = PublishTransactionState.ScheduledForPublish
List<string> transactionsToDelete = new List<string>();
foreach (PublishTransactionData transaction in client.GetSystemWideList(filter))
foreach (LinkToIdentifiableObjectData linkToItem in transaction.Items)
if(linkToItem.IdRef == idOfItemToRemove)
foreach (string transactionId in transactionsToDelete)
Too complicated to answer in a comment.
Prior to Tridion 2013, not all GetSystemWideList methods will return *Data
objects and instead you need to rely on the GetSystemWideListXml method. The following code could be used to achieve the same functionality as above on Tridion 2011 SP1:
foreach (XElement transactionXml in client.GetSystemWideListXml(filter).Nodes())
PublishTransactionData data = (PublishTransactionData)client.Read(transactionXml.Attribute("ID").Value, new ReadOptions());
foreach (LinkToIdentifiableObjectData linkToItem in data.Items)
if (linkToItem.IdRef == "tcm:1-2-3")
// OR - instead of going to the server again to load the Data
// Just read it directly from the Xml
Nuno, I had scheduled an item for publish using core service I set property "DeployAt", On setting the value of this property item goes to "ScheduledForDeployment" State. If I get the way to make the item "ScheduleForPublish" Using Core service then my problem will be resolved. Can you please help me to make the Item "ScheduleForPublish" using core service Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 15:56
instead of.DeployAt
– Nuno Linhares ♦Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 16:04 -
Yes I figured that out, Thanks. Is there any way for forcing the scheduled item to publish before scheduled time? Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 16:13
Give it a try - you could try loading the transaction, modifying the start date, then save it back with client.Update. If that fails, create a new transaction with a different start time, then delete the old one.– Nuno Linhares ♦Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 16:27
While Debugging I Found that When I am fetching failed transactions it is working fine, But in case of transaction scheduled for publish I am not getting any transactions using client.GetSystemWideList(filter). Is there any problem with Tridion 2011 SP1? Commented Jul 15, 2013 at 16:29
You can delete a transaction, I tested it before and client.Delete(transactionId)
works. I would be careful removing transactions which are not processed (either Success or Failed) yet as you could run in a situation where you remove an item while the publisher was just about to publish it.
Have a look at PublishTransactionData.State
, it will be PublishTransactionState.ScheduledForPublish
in your case.
Oh, misread Nuno's answer, he already explains about the PublishTransactionData.State.– Jan HCommented Jul 15, 2013 at 15:53
? If the UI can do it, the API can do it.