I have the following code, which is as generic an events system as you could imagine. When it's deployed, and I attach a debugger to the process, when an event takes place I can see the assembly getting loaded into the process, with symbols, but the code appears not to execute, and I can't get a breakpoint to bite. What am I missing?

class Events : Tridion.ContentManager.Extensibility.TcmExtension
    public Events()
        EventSystem.Subscribe<IdentifiableObject, TcmEventArgs>(
                      Handler, EventPhases.All, EventSubscriptionOrder.Normal);
    private void Handler(IdentifiableObject subject, TcmEventArgs args, EventPhases phase)

1 Answer 1


Make the class public:

public class Events : Tridion.ContentManager.Extensibility.TcmExtension
  • This works. Thanks. Obvious when you know the answer. :-) Commented Mar 6, 2013 at 16:35

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