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3 votes
1 answer

Retrieve list values in DWT template

In my package, i have a list of TcmUri which sometimes contains valid TcmUri but also fake TcmUri such as tcm:0-0-0. slideshareList is the name of my list. I need to write something like this : <!...
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2 votes
1 answer

Use of a tcmUri list in component template

I have another problem with a list of TcmUris I pushed to the package and try to use. I'm trying to render the different components whom ids are in the list "slideshareList" with their common ...
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Render component template from link to component field [tridion 2009]

In the schema of a component A, there is a "link to component B" field. I want to retrieve the template of that component B in my component A template. I tried the following but it does not work: <...
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1 answer

Render component HTML in the parent DWT

In the schema of a component A, there is a "link to component B" field. I want to retrieve the template of that component B in my component A template. I tried the following syntax but it does not ...
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DWT and cookie laws

I'm currently working on a Tridion website and a cookie law must be set up. Right now, in the content Components, there is a possibility to add HTML code through a text field. If this HTML code ...
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1 vote
2 answers

Use of a counter within a TemplateBeginRepeat loop

In the following block of code: <!-- TemplateBeginRepeat name="slotMiddle" --> <uc:SlotLoader runat="server">@@Component.ID@@</uc:SlotLoader> <!-- TemplateEndRepeat --> I ...
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4 votes
1 answer

How do I add a rel attribute to the URL of a component link?

I just noticed the title of the question has been updated. I'm not sure you understand what i'm looking for. Maybe i was not clear enough. In a DWT i have the following block of code: <div class=...
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8 votes
2 answers

Tridion 2009 DWT How to know if a checkbox field is checked?

Does anyone knows how to check from a dreamweaver template if a checkbox field is checked or not? Thanks in advance
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5 votes
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Get TemplateRepeatIndex out of TemplateBeginRepeat

I have the code above in a DWT and what I need is to put in the "X" the number of elements that I have. So the final TemplateRepeatIndex + 1 and it should be in the DWT if it is possible. Does anyone ...
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16 votes
8 answers

Ordinal position of a Component Presentation in a DWT

I am looking for a way to generate a CSS Id for a Component Presentation, which is guaranteed to be unique within the scope of the page. My initial thought is to make use of the ordinal position of ...
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