I want my component presentation to be personalized depending on a customer characteristic (userType). We show different component presentations depending different userType accessing to the page. User Type will come from java backend logic.
I am done with following steps:-
Create Target Group.
Add Target group with a component presentation on the page.
condition will be used by Tridion CD APIs. Published page has my Component Presentation wrapped with tridion:TargetGroup tag below :-
<tridion:TargetGroup itemURI="tcm:100-1000000-64">
<tridion:Conditions negate="false" operator="AND">
<tridion:Conditions negate="false" operator="OR">
<tridion:Conditions negate="false" operator="AND">
<tridion:Condition type="CustomerCharacteristic" operator="=" negate="false" name="customerType" value="1"/>
<tridion:Condition type="CustomerCharacteristic" operator="=" negate="false" name="customerType" value="0"/>
<form:form action="****" method="post" commandName="**" id="location">
<input type="submit" value="AppLoc" id="AppLoc" style="display:none;" />
<div class="" role="main">
<td >Branch</td>
<td ><div>abc</div></td>
Can any body please help me with the steps to be preformed further or provide me the documentation path? What I am able to find is CD API com.tridion.personalization can anybody help me further.