I am trying to copy the keyword value to the metadata field value using Tridion core service.I am able to run the console app successfully without any error but i don't see the metadata filed value get copied.Below is my code, please advice.
KeywordData currentKeyword = (KeywordData)client.TryCheckOut(keywordUri, readOptions); string translatedTitle = currentKeyword.Title;
if (currentKeyword.MetadataSchema.IdRef != "tcm:0-0-0")
SchemaFieldsData schemaFieldsData = client.ReadSchemaFields(currentKeyword.MetadataSchema.IdRef, true, readOptions);
SingleLineTextFieldDefinitionData test = new SingleLineTextFieldDefinitionData();
test = (SingleLineTextFieldDefinitionData)schemaFieldsData.MetadataFields[0];
test.DefaultValue = translatedTitle;
currentKeyword = (KeywordData)client.Save(currentKeyword, readOptions);