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for questions that are related to Content Delivery (CD), including distribution, presentation, and storage APIs.

10 votes
1 answer

Or Criteria taking forever to execute using tridion content delivery api

I am converting from a sql query to using broker api functionality. The query basically retrieves custom meta data based on key and value filters. The issue is when I join two criteria using an 'or' …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
6 votes
1 answer

getting key_string_value using content delivery api

I need to retrieve the key_string_value based on value of key_name. The code i am using is as below. public void SomeFunction() { Query query; CustomMetaKeyCriteria metaKeyCriteria = new CustomMe …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
3 votes
2 answers

InCriteria in tridion content delivery api

I have a requirement where I have to fetch items from custom meta having certain values. For example I have to fetch all the items from custom meta where key value in {'news','videos'}. What I am doin …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
5 votes
1 answer

addsorting not working with key_date_value in custommeta

I am trying to sort the custom meta results based on key_date_value field. when i add the sort parameter the query is returning no result but is working fine if i remove the sort filter. The code is a …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
5 votes

addsorting not working with key_date_value in custommeta

Got the answer for my question from a colleague. while creating the CustomMetaKeyColumn the parameter to be provided is the value in key column and it will sort according to the value for that particu …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
3 votes
3 answers

What is the default sort order of a query in Tridion Content Delivery?

I am converting the following simple sql query into tridion content delivery implementation. The query is select cm.item_id from custom_meta cm where cm.key_name ='AddToItunes' and …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
4 votes
1 answer

Getting page url based on component id and template priority

Is there any way to get page url based on component Id and template priority. I am using the following code to get the page url but this doesnot consider the template priority and return the first pag …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
2 votes
2 answers

Creating query using multiple criteria taking long time for the first time

I am creating a simple query by combining few criteria to get the page id .The code for the method is as below. The issue is while monitoring the performance of the website the method is taking long t …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
3 votes
2 answers

Creating simple criteria using content delivery api taking two seconds

I am using a simple method to create criteria for content delivery api which takes publication id and item type as parameter and return a criteria back. The code is as below public static Criteria Ge …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
12 votes
5 answers

Unable to cast object of type 'Java.Io.SerializableImpl' to type

I am using the Content Delivery API to fetch a Component from the Component Presentations on a Page and then retrieve the custom meta value of the Component. I am intermittently (vary rarely once in a …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
3 votes
1 answer

Warning in cd_core_log due to cd_storage_conf

I am working on a project of upgrading an existing tridion project to 2011 SP1 from 5.3. The entries in the cd_storage_conf are <Item typeMapping="BinaryMeta" cached="true" storageId="defaultdb" /> …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
8 votes
3 answers

RMI cache channel service lost connection

I am using object cache to cache the result obtained from broker database. We are using the cache channel service to invalidate the cache so that user can see the latest content. I am getting the foll …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
3 votes

RMI cache channel service lost connection

Object cache and remote synchronization was disabled in the cd_storage_conf of CMS installation config folder. After enabling and restarting Tridion services and recyling app pool of website i am not …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
1 vote
1 answer

OOB authentication and authorization in Content Delivery

Most of the CMS product provide some out of box functionality of authentication and authorization at delivery side but is there any oob functionality in tridion which provides authentication and autho …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924
5 votes
3 answers

Getting Java.Lang.RuntimeException error - No LinkInfo is found in the bindings, could not r...

I am getting an error intermittently on different pages and the same page do not throw the error when i refresh it. The error detail is as below. Java.Lang.RuntimeException [RuntimeException] Codeme …
rdhaundiyal's user avatar
  • 1,924

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