We have an Authorization error when running the Add-TtmCdTopologyType command. We've tried the suggestions in this question but still no luck. We're running with a Domain account that is also in the Discovery Service Ambient config.
I don't understand how the authorization part works between the Powershell command and and ADF config of the Discovery service, and which users it is using, etc. Also, how to get any logging of it (our Discovery service log had no entries, even in Debug mode).
Our error message:
PS C:\Users\mts_svc> Add-TtmCdTopologyType -Id Site
cmdlet Add-TtmCdTopologyType at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
(Type !? for Help.)
Name: Site
EnvironmentPurposes[0]: Preview
EnvironmentPurposes[1]: Live
EnvironmentPurposes[2]: Test
EnvironmentPurposes[3]: Dev
Add-TtmCdTopologyType : Authorization has been denied for this request.
At line:1 char:1
+ Add-TtmCdTopologyType -Id Site
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (Tridion.Topolog...logyTypeCommand:AddCdTopologyTypeCommand) [Add-TtmCdTop
ologyType], DataServiceException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Tridion.TopologyManager.Automation.AddCdTopologyTypeCommand
Our Ambient config here https://gist.github.com/rcurlette/004090c2d6b9731e9f5def57bb3ee8fd