Please find below example code and update your customized publication Type in Tridion.ContentManager.config file and restart services.
1024. Numbers below 1024 are reserved. 3) titleResource is optional. if titleResource is not provided then the value specified in name will be used as PublicationType.Title --> \tridion\config\Tridion.ContentManager.config
1) id and name attribute is unique.
2) id > 1024. Numbers below 1024 are reserved.
3) titleResource is optional. if titleResource is not provided then the value specified in name will be used as PublicationType.Title
<add id="1" name="Content" titleResource="lblContentPublicationType" />
<add id="2" name="Web" titleResource="lblWebPublicationType" />
<add id="4" name="Mobile" titleResource="lblMobilePublicationType" />
<add id="5" name="SiteType" titleResource="lblSiteTypePublicationType" />