We are using SDL webWeb 8.5 where we've configured Translation managerManager. We are building a solution to automate translation managerthe Translation Manager process.Where where we should be able to send items for translation from an external source.
Earlier we were able to do so by using Tridion.TranslationManager.DomainModel.Api
However with the new system I could find that we need to use belowthe following two files for same. Tridion.TranslationManager.V2.Data; Tridion.TranslationManager.V2.TmService.Client:
While trying to create a client for TmServiceCleintTmServiceClient as below SessionAwareTmServiceClient _client = new SessionAwareTmServiceClient();:
SessionAwareTmServiceClient _client = new SessionAwareTmServiceClient();
I am unable to find binding details on the CMS server? canCan someone please help to provide the binding details for SessionAwareTmServiceClientSessionAwareTmServiceClient
Thanks and Regards, Tarun Panwar