After having run flawlessly for a week, publishing stopped working today, and I found the following error in the cd_core log:
The temporary upload location [/tmp/tomcat.3852345956471293540.8082/work/
Tomcat/localhost/ROOT] is not valid
The path '/tmp/tomcat.3852345956471293540.8082' did not exist on the server, so it was understandable why I should get this error.
Digging further, I found the following line in the same log file:
2016-04-04 16:58:37,248 INFO LicenseVerifier - catalina.base =
Of course! The deployer is a microservice which has an embedded version of Tomcat. Apparently the service creates a temporary Cataline base folder in /tmp, and uses that as its Tomcat home.
The problem is now clear: there is a cleanup process on our server which clears the /tmp folder every week. The Catalina base folder has gone, hence publishing fails.
Restarting solves the problem, at least temporarily, because a new temp folder is created. But in a week's time this folder will be removed again.. How to solve this? I could talk to the system maintenance team over here, and tell them to leave my folder alone. But I know what they'll say: anything in /tmp is temporary, you should not expect it to stay around forever.
So (sorry for the long detour) my question is: is there a way to instruct Tridion to use a different Catalina base folder?