This when I see it:
Imported Contacts from Audience Manager Address Book using CME UI, which is of size 28MB.
While importing the same file back to another Address Book there, I get Error
Unable to recongize the upload state data
I am able to import the contacts for the small size files < 3-4 MB.
Here is what I tried so far:
Increase Timeout settings for Core Service in all the required places.
Had set
<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="1073741824" />
and<requestLimits maxAllowedContentLength="1073741824"/>
so you can see its almost 1GB. This is done for both Core Service as well as Tridion.Increase
Idle Timeout
setting on the Load balancer as well from60 sec
to10 Min
But with all the above changes no luck.
Can anyone suggest what else could be the possible reason to have it not fixed with all the above changes?
should be in KB (i.e. 1048576), so the value you have there is actually 1TB, not 1GB.maxAllowedContentLength
is indeed in bytes. May not be related to the error, but it seems incorrect :)