I'm trying to use Dominic Cronin's Tridion2012UI functions as detailed at https://github.com/TridionPractice/tridion-practice/wiki/TridionUI2012FunctionsForUseInHtmlTemplates with Razor templates.

I have the DLL compiled and in the GAC and Tridion.ContentManager.config and it's working correctly when I test with DWT templates. I've tried the following markup in Razor templates but am unable to save the template as I'm getting "[whatever you tried] does not exist in the current context" error.



And even the full namespace


Am I just using the incorrect syntax here?


2 Answers 2


Have you referenced the assembly (in the GAC) within your Tridion.ContentManager.config file?

For example:

<razor.mediator cacheTime="60" extractBinaries="true" adminUser="DOMAIN\AdminUser">
      <!-- ... -->
      <add assembly="RazorSample.Test, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=60ad7434f03dfcdc" />
      <!-- ... -->

If you've already included this then reference then you may want to try restarting the COM+, Tridion Publisher service, and Template Builder (if it’s open). It is always the restarting of the Publisher service that I forget!

NOTE: You can also add your namespace into the <namespaces> section (e.g. <add namespace="Client.ContentManager.ExperienceManager" />), which will prevent you having to include the @using XXX statement at the top of each template.

  • 1
    Glad you managed to sort it. It's easy to lose hours to this type of issue! Commented Aug 28, 2015 at 16:03

There are two parts to this answer.

The first was pointed out by Jonathan Williams, I was missing the assembly reference in the razor.mediator configuration

<razor.mediator cacheTime="60" extractBinaries="true" adminUser="DOMAIN\AdminUser">
      <!-- ... -->
        <add assembly="Client.ContentManagement.ExperienceManager, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9b5801bc9141826f" />
      <!-- ... -->

The second is that the Tridion2012UIFunctionSource class has an Initialize method that you have to call after instantiating the object like so.

    var ExperienceManager = new Client.ContentManagement.ExperienceManager.ExperienceManagerFunctionSource();
    ExperienceManager.Initialize(TridionHelper.Engine, TridionHelper.Package);

Then you can go and call your methods like so


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