According to the documentation, it is possible for a GUI extension to have both the model and editor in the same configuration file.
However, I am unable to get this to work.
Here is my Editor.config
file (empty elements removed for brevity):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cfg:group name="Customization.Extension" merge="always">
<cfg:file type="style">/Client/css/Extension.css</cfg:file>
<cfg:file type="script">/Client/js/ExtensionCommand.js</cfg:file>
<cfg:file type="reference">Customization.Extension.Interface</cfg:file>
<cfg:group name="Customization.Extension.Services" merge="always">
<cfg:domainmodel name="Customization.Extension.Services">
<cfg:service type="wcf">/Client/Services/MyService.svc</cfg:service>
<definitionfiles />
<ext:editorextension target="CME">
<ext:extension pageid="CreatePage" groupid="TargetingGroup" name="Customization Extension" assignid="ExntensionBtn">
<ext:title>Create Thing</ext:title>
<ext:view name="DashboardView">
<ext:control id="DashboardToolbar"/>
<cfg:commandset id="Customization.Extension.Interface">
<cfg:command name="Customization.Extension.Interface" implementation="Customization.Extension" />
My command is working as I can get it to display "hello" in an alert.
However, when trying to call Customization.Extension.Services.Hello()
(a simple WCF method). I get "Customization" is not defined.
Please note code anonymised to protect the innocent/client.
Anyone got any hints on how to do this?
I have split out my model into a separate project for now but am interested in how this is supposed to work.
element that you insert below the<ext:dataextenders>